WE’VE had another amazing year at Currajong Disability Services and what better way to celebrate and acknowledge by pointing out some of the significant events and achievements.
- Parkes Elvis Festival held with many participants volunteering and attending
- Joe Ozzimo donates all busking monies raised to Currajong
- Elvis quilts drawn and won at Parkes Services Club
- Carob business goes into production as Akuna Road farm gets new sign
- Sanu and Kylee complete Auslan course
- Sue Balemans retires from Currajong after 21 years of service
- Ian Kaupkee dominates All Abilities Swimming Carnival
- Fiona McGonigal shaves for cancer
- Ladies Lounge donate to Currajong
- Jujubes ready and picked for market
- Sarah Bowkett starts new job at MLAHM
- Doug Pout Walks for Autism attracting strong support
- CWASNAG hold Under the Blue Dish Autism fundraiser at The Dish
- Currajong Sewing Group donates to St. Vincent De Paul
- Currajong confirms purchase of new premises in Clarinda Street
- Newsletter has 100th issue
- Parkes M&D holds first ‘autism friendly” theatrical production
- Currajong participates in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
- Parkes Services Club donates $5000 to Currajong
- Stuart Robert named as new Minister for NDIS and Government Services vowing to cut wait times
- Commonwealth Bank Parkes donates to Currajong
- Mandy’s Fitability Challenge in full swing and proving popular with participants
- Sebastian Sadgrove paints “Blue Dish” to donate to CSIRO Parkes Observatoryn where it is now displayed
- Australia’s Biggest Bogan Festival draws good crowds to raise money for Currajong
- Deb Hewitt takes on new role as Team Leader of Cecile and Russell Streets
- Sharnie Morris celebrates 17 years at Currajong
- Currajong staff do First Aid course refreshers
- Trangie Challenge Cup All Ability League Tag Carnival held
- Mandy’s Fitability Challenge wraps up
- National Meals on Wheels Day celebrated
- Parkes Show proves popular for participants with Currajong Sewing Group members dominating sewing section winning major prizes
- Thomas Davis shaves for charity
- Rhyse Forrestal features in Les Miserables
- AirVenture Australia held at Parkes Airport with Currajong running a stall with carob products
- R U OK Day has Currajong ambassador in Rhyse Forrestal
- Currajong Cricket Ashes held
- Pink Up Parkes gets strong support
- National Carers Week celebrated with BBQ
- McGrath Fundraiser held with $585 raised for breast cancer
- Martin Hoffman appointed boss of the NDIA overseeing the NDIS
- Woolworths Parkes donate to Currajong
- French Rugby League team visit and have morning tea with participants
- Doug Pout goes in Great Cycle Challenge to fight kids cancer
- Participants visit Canberra and Ettalong Beach for holidays
- Family Fun Day held by CWASNAG
- Employee Recognition Day held by Currajong for staff
- Rhyse Forestal does Movember for prostate cancer
- Currajong receives award for Exceptional Volunteering Spirit for their contribution to Meals on Wheels in Parkes
- Currajong marches for White Ribbon Day
- International Day of People With a Disability celebrated at Forbes Memorial Pool with record numbers
- Christmas party for residents at new premises in Clarinda Street
- Target Parkes donates Christmas stock to Currajong
- Neil Unger looks to bio-bricks as a potential business for Currajong
- IGA Parkes donates from Community Chest Program to Currajong
- Christmas parade in Parkes features Currajong stall and participants marching
- Currajong Sewing Group donates to QUE Club Parkes