SAINT Ambrose once said – “A kindness received should be returned with a freer hand”. Never has that been more evident then in the burgeoning relationship developed between Parkes CanAssist and the Currajong Disability Services Sewing Group (CDSSG).
Today, the CDSSG took that a step further when they donated handmade bathroom bags to CanAssist.
“The reasoning for these bathroom bags is for CanAssist to hand them out to cancer patients to use as travel bags,” said Deitre Jackson of CDSSG.
“Whether they are undergoing chemo, going on a follow up appointment or in remission, its these little things that make life easier that are so important.
“I know our group get a real kick out of making things like this where they can see the direct benefit it is having,” said Deitre.
Pat Bailey, secretary of CanAssist agreed.
“It is a wonderful gesture and we are rapt,” Pat said.
“The Currajong Disability Services Sewing Group are to be commended for their selflessness and we are extremely grateful for this relationship.
“These little things are really big things when you look more closely at it,” said Pat.
The first lot of bags having been handed over will be almost immediately given out to those in need and it is something that brings a smile to group members like Cherie Lovett and Karen Willis.
“I think it’s good we can help CanAssist as so many groups help us,” said Cherie.
“Hopefully it makes a difference.
“I’m sure it will.”
We are too.