Age – 33
Position – CDS Support Worker
Time in role – 2 years as fulltime staff but before that I was doing prac here.
What do you like most about your role and CDS? Variety in the role each day is great. No two days are the same. I also get to laugh a lot.
Why are you working in this industry? Fell into but always something I had an interest in. Like to help people and see them fulfil their potential.
If you weren’t in this industry what would you be doing? Native nursery – I like gardening and farming so I am a bit of a green thumb.
What is the greatest myth in this industry? That people with a disability are less than. In many areas they are more than. They have much greater capacity for joy, love, wonder and acceptance. The other myth is – just because you can’t talk doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to say.
If you were CEO for a day what would you change first? Better access to more resources to help staff and clients. Anything that will make the job a bit easier. Also, better communication between staff so we are all on the same page more often and things run smoothly.
Do you have any feedback? Email us at feedback@currajong.org.au
Your comments are confidential and will go directly to the CEO for consideration. We encourage all stakeholders to send through their views so we can all strive to make Currajong Disability Services a better and more progressive organisation.