Currajong Disability Services has evolved from its roots of providing education prior to 1983 as Westview Special School, to an integral community partner providing specialised disability services across the Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shires.
In 1985, the first group home was built in Parkes from the proceeds of the Westview Special School land sale and NSW State Government funding was received to run the home for 4-6 residents. In 1993, Westview Group Homes incorporated with the objective of providing supported accommodation and at the same time, families formed Currajong Enterprises Inc. to create Post School Options for school leavers with disabilities. In 2001 and 2002, Day Program and Flexible Respite were added to the service options, along with an expanded service footprint through opening an Outreach Centre in Condobolin.
In 2003, Westview Group Homes and Currajong Enterprises amalgamated to form Currajong Disability Services Inc. Over the next 5 years, Currajong successfully tendered for Community Participation, Transition to Work, Learning & Life Skills, Life Choices and Active Ageing funding through ADHC (Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care). These increased funding allocations allowed Currajong to deliver a diverse range of disability and community care services such as Community Living, Respite, Post School Learning and Living Skills Day Programs to people with disabilities in centre-based, community and in-home locations.
Currajong grew steadily over these years and embraced person centred practices ensuring that services delivered were designed to meet the individual needs of all clients, facilitate community involvement, promote friendship, increase skill development and build support networks. Over this time, Currajong developed a reputation as a respected and professional local provider of disability and community services in the Parkes, Forbes and Condobolin local government areas. 2011 & 2013 saw Currajong purchase two more Group Homes in Parkes and in 2015 was assigned the management of a purpose built three Villa complex constructed by the State Government in Parkes to accommodate people with disabilities.
2017 – 2018, brought transformative change to Currajong with the implementation of and transition to, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This required a quantum shift in our day-to-day operation and saw significant cultural and administrative change occur to work within the highly transactional environment of the NDIS. The NDIS created a new way of doing business for Currajong and saw the enactment of real ‘choice and control’ for people with disabilities, particularly in how they choose their services and who provides those services. Currajong rose to the challenges of the NDIS and continues to innovate and improve, delivering upon the reputation it has built over its lifetime. In 2017, Currajong Disability Services also changed its legal status from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee, ensuring best practice and compliance frameworks that increased the level of professional not for profit governance.
Currajong is proud of its journey and achievements in remaining flexible and adaptable, while continuing to provide high quality individualised programs and support services designed to sustain and enhance the independence and quality of life for people with disabilities.