AMERICAN novelist and writer Pearl Buck (1892-1973) best known for her Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Good Earth in 1932, once said – “the test of a civilisation is the way that it cares for its helpless members.”
She was right. Is right. So if a measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable members, the Parkes community and more specifically, businesses like IGA Parkes, should be extremely proud.
IGA Parkes has given a generous donation of $515.16 to Currajong Disability Services via its Community Chest Program just before Christmas.
“It is Christmas a little early for us to be honest thanks to IGA and Peter Boschman,” said Matt Medlyn of Currajong Disability Services.
“We are extremely grateful for the donation.
“It is a great example of the generosity of the Parkes business community,” said Matt.
IGA Parkes, like Pearl Buck, have been helping society’s most vulnerable achieve their goals and have a voice through numerous undertakings, events and fundraisers over decades.
The $515.16 comes just before Christmas and following last week’s highly successful International Day of People with a Disability (IDPwD) on December 3.
Its programs like this that IGA owner Peter Boschman strongly supports.
“We have long been advocates, supporters, sponsors and contributors to and for many community groups and their causes and we are happy to continue to do so,” said Peter Boschman said.
“The Community Chest Program is just one of the ways we support our community and the plethora of groups across the shire.
“We are proud to continue to do so and in the process help groups and organisations reach their goals and be heard,” Peter said.
A Nobel Prize recipient for literature also, Buck would agree with Boschman and if she were alive no doubt she would be smiling.
Maybe she was right after all and it is a Good Earth …
See Currajong Disability Services and Forbes Shire Council Auslan International Day of People with a Disability (IDPwD) promotional ad here –