The Parkes Railway Bowling Club will host its own mini Day on the Green to help out Currajong Disability Services.
DONATIONS are pouring in for the DAY ON THE GREEN at Railway Bowling Club in Parkes on Saturday February 3. The event, which is a special fundraising day for Currajong Disability Services at the Railway Bowling Club, has attracted a number of donations and sponsorship from many businesses with more keen to sign up.
From Twiggy and Jordan Dwyer to Chris Orr, Birdie and Georgie Sideris as well as Tommy and Holly Orr, there will be the crème de la crème of Parkes music on display for all to see.
The event will include a BBQ, raffles and lucky door prizes and great music!
Children are welcome between 4pm-8pm with the event to finish somewhere around 11pm.
Bring a blanket!