CURRAJONG Disability Services (CDS) celebrated Pink Ribbon Day this week while also raising some funds for a worthy cause – women’s cancer.
A regular event on the CDS calendar, Pink Ribbon Day, generated plenty of interest again this year and was well supported by everyone.
Dane Millerd, Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator, said it was a great day and everyone really got involved and supported it.
“Pink Ribbon Day is an important day on the calendar and it is a special day here at Currajong,” Dane said.
“Pink Ribbon day allows us all to recognise and support the special women in our lives who have been touched by cancer – they are our mothers, sisters, grandmothers and daughters and it’s important we all rally around them.”
Every day in Australia, around 50 women are told they have breast or a gynaecological cancer.
Sadly, every day around 12 Australian women will die from a women’s cancer.
The five year survival rate for breast cancer increased by 17% from 1982 to 2012, and the five year survival rate for women with a gynaecological cancer increased by 7% in the same period.
This increase in survivors of breast and gynaecological cancers is thanks to advancements in research and prevention that you help fund by supporting Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon.
Breast and gynaecological cancers unfortunately touch everyone’s life in one form or another, either directly or through the experience of family and friends.
The money you raise will help Cancer Council fight cancer through prevention programs, support services and world-class cancer research.
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