AMIDST the doom and gloom there has been some good news this week with Currajong gaining a record haul from the jujube farm at Akuna Road in Parkes.
The haul, approximately a 100 x 4 kilogram boxes worth, at market is roughly $3000 for Currajong with up to another 100 still to be filled.
“We are very happy with the result and hope to get the next hundred boxes filled before it rains later this week as rain has been forecast,” said Wayde Kreidemann of Currajong Disability Services.
“It’s taken a lot of time and effort from many including participants, staff and board members Greg and Chris Duffy, Peter Barber, Ray Nielsen and Neil Unger.
“It’s that great sense of spirit, effort and dedication that has seen us in this position,” said Wayde.
With rain forecast for this evening and later in the week the race is now on ton pick the remaining jujubes as excess rain will split them and render them not suitable for sale.
“We got rain at the right time over the last month or so but we just need to pick these this week and hope it holds off a bit for us,” Wayde said.
“These jujubes look great and the size is tremendous.
“They are becoming extremely popular and hopefully we can continue to meet that obligation,” he said.
Everyone at Currajong does too – well done Wayde and everyone who helped! Great effort!