SEBASTIAN Sadgrove has only been at Currajong Disability Services a short amount of time and in that time it has become apparent that not only is a he a tremendous person but a compassionate young man as well. Sebastian, who has autism, decided to paint The Blue Dish to donate to the CSIRO Parkes Observatory in a bid to raise awareness about autism and to acknowledge the outstanding contribution CSIRO Parkes Observatory make towards Central West Autism and Autism Month every April.
“I wanted to do something positive and originally I wasn’t sure what I was going to do,” said Sebastian.
“Then I decided to paint the Blue Dish as it was iconic and a well-known symbol throughout Parkes.
“I am hoping it inspires people everywhere to give a shining example that anyone can do anything they want if they put their mind to it,” he said.
Next Wednesday September 11 Sebastian will finally get to see his prized masterpiece adorn the walls of the CSIRO Parkes Observatory and he can’t wait.
“I am really excited about this and the attention it is drawing to autism and The Dish,” he said.
“As someone who has autism it is important to me and others who also have it and their families.
“It is another way of keeping the light shone on autism and keeping people talking about it,” he said.
Sebastian’s painting The Blue Dish will be on display from Wednesday September 11 next week so go and check it out if you get a chance.
Well done Seb!