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Shaquille Peachey is raring and ready to go

APPROXIMATELY 120 nominations have been received for the next installment of the extremely popular Currajong Disability Services swimming carnival at Parkes Memorial Swimming Pool on Wednesday March 6.

For CDS Acitvities Team Leader and Event Organiser Indigo Kriedemann, the response has not only bee incredible but it has solidified the carnival as one of the more popular events on the rural calendar.

“We have had a record amount of entries,” said Indigo.

“Nominations have come from Forbes, Condobolin, Grenfell, Cowra, Dubbo and Orange to name but a few.

“We have strong fields, lots of events and a great variety of activities,” she said.

“It should be another tremendous day.”

Last year, the event was dominated by Ian ‘Thorpedo’ Kaupke from Currajong Disability Services while Tim McDonald from the Condo arm of CDS also went well.

Kaupke plans to enter again and has been getting in some practice for the event.

He isn’t alone.

“Part of our day program over summer includes swimming and most clients go at least once a week to the pool,” she said.

“It is great for them (like everyone else) to develop water confidence.

“But equally as important is the fact that it is great fun and a tremendous social outing!”

Any queries or questions about the swimming carnival can be directed to Indigo Kriedemann on 02 6863 4713 or

Hope to see you at the carnival.